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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


03.08 Manage Project Access Level for Organization Users

Last Updated: 2022-05-09 11:08

One of the main benefits of using ConstructConnect Takeoff is that you can collaborate with others in your Organization on your project. Here are a few key points to remember about collaboration.

  • When you (or anyone else in your Organization) creates a project, only you are added to that project as a Project Owner.
  • Whoever creates a project can then adjust (manage) others' access to it. Some users may need to simply view the project; others may need to be able to collaborate and make changes to it.
  • When new users are added to your Organization, they have "No Access" to projects that exist at the time they are added.

Each Access Level is explained, in detail, in the next article. What follows below is how to manage access and privileges.


If you are a Company Administrator and you are looking to add users to your organization or allocate/revoke licenses, please visit the Self-Service Portal:

This article covers Project Access only.

Manage Access

To adjust security access for a project,

  • Open the Project Cover Sheet by clicking the Cover Sheet button cover sheet button next to the project's name in the Projects and Bids List (make sure you click the Project's Cover Sheet button, not the Bid's).
  • Click Manage Project Access.

ConstructConnect Takeoff Project Cover Sheet highlighting the Manage Access button

The Manage Project Access opens. This dialog shows you everyone you have added to collaborate on this project. If you just created this project (or just sent it to Takeoff from Bid Center or Web Takeoff) only your name shows, as Project Owner.

ConstructConnect Takeoff Manage Access dialog box

Sending to Takeoff - Multiple Users

At this point, you may be asking yourself, "What happens if more that one user clicks the "Send to ConstructConnect Takeoff" link in Project Intelligence or document viewer.

Let's say User A clicks the "Send to Takeoff" or "Open in ConstructConnect Takeoff" button. If the project does not exist in this Takeoff organization, it is added and User A is set to "Project Owner". He or she can add other users to this project as he or she sees fit.

If User B then clicks "Open in ConstructConnect Takeoff",

  • If User A added him or her to the project, the project opens in CCTO.
  • If User A did not add him or her to the project, they receive an error message, referring them to the Company Administrator.

ConstructConnect Platform Project Access Denied message box

If User A wants, he or she can create a duplicate of this project in CCTO and then set User B as Project Owner. User B could then remove User A from the Project, if desired. Both Takeoff projects are connected back to Bid Center and the documents there so changes to the curated plans would propagate to both copies of the project.

Now, back to the Manage Project Access dialog box.

  • Click in the box that shows "Enter an e-mail address" - a list of all your Organization's users (even if they don't have a Takeoff license because they can view the project without making changes).
  • Start typing a user's e-mail address to filter the list (users already added to the project do not show in this search).

ConstructConnect Takeoff Manage Access dialog box

  • Click on the user to whom you want to grant access to this project.

ConstructConnect Takeoff Manage Access dialog box

  • From the Select Access drop-down, select the level of access you want to grant this user (see Available Access Levels below for an overview of what each access level can do in a project).
  • Click the Add button - the user is added to the "Active" list immediately.

ConstructConnect Takeoff Manage Access dialog box

You can edit an Active user's access level or delete their access altogether at any time. If they are working in the project and you restrict or remove their access, the program closes to disconnect them from the project - their new rights are applied next time they log in.

When the invited user logs into Takeoff, they see the project in their Projects and Bids List. There is no other notification given.

Projects and Bids List showing a user's access level

The user sees their assigned Access Level right on the Projects and Bids List.

Available Access Levels

There are four access levels available for you to assign to organization users:

Role/Access Level What They Can Do What They Cannot Do (Restrictions)
Project Owner Project Owners have unlimited access to the project and all bids within the project. There are no restrictions in this Project. However, being a Project Owner in one project does not mean you have unlimited access to all projects in your organization. Organization Administrators have unlimited access to all projects.
Takeoff and Markups You can add, modify, and delete takeoff and annotations, and can export information. You can duplicate this project and create bids within the project. Cannot add, edit, or delete any Plan Sets, but can activate/deactivate Plan Sets within a bid.
Markups Only User can create and edit Annotations only. Cannot add, edit, or delete any bids or Plan Sets. Cannot duplicate this project or any bids within.
Read Only User can view the project and bids including viewing plans, takeoffs, annotations, and cumulative totals on the Summary Tab and Worksheet Tab. Cannot add, edit, or delete any bids, Plan Sets, takeoff, or annotation.

To remove a user's access entirely, delete them from the Active users list.

Organization Admins and Editors

Organization Administrators have full control over all projects and bids, which means they see every project and bid added by any user.

Editors, however, cannot invite users to join an Organization or allocate/revoke licenses.

You are responsible for managing access to your projects. If you grant a user access to projects in your organization, you must revoke that access from each project. Even if they leave your organization, they will retain some access to your organization's data.

click here to view the previous article Setting the Current Bid Access Levels and Permissions Detailed click here to view the next article


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