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04.07 Plan Set Editor Toolbar and Context Menu and the Plan Adjustment Panel Shortcuts

Last Updated: 2022-06-16 08:08

Plan Set Editor Toolbar

Plan Set Editor with Toolbar highlighted

Button/ControlShortcut Key (if any) DescriptionWhat it does/How it is used...
Plan Set Editor add a new plan set to this projectAdd New SetOpens the Browser for Folder dialog box.
Plan Set Editor expand all discipline groups<Ctrl> + <+> (Plus sign)Expand AllWhen you add multiple Disciplines (when your image files are stored in subfolders of the selected Folder during adding Pages), Pages are automatically grouped by those disciplines. Expands all collapsed disciplines.
Plan Set Editor collapse all discipline groups<Ctrl> + <-> (Minus sign)Collapse AllWhen you add multiple Disciplines (when your image files are stored in subfolders of the selected Folder during adding Pages), Pages are automatically grouped by those disciplines. Collapses all expanded disciplines.
Plan Set Editor delete selected sheet or sheets<DELDelete Plan or PlansDeletes the select Plan or Plans from the Plan Set.
If this Plan Set was already saved (meaning Pages were created from it), you may be deleting Pages from the Plan Organizer if they do not exist in any other Plan Set (if a Plan only exists in the Plan Set you are editing and you delete that Plan, the entire Page is deleted from the Plan Organizer, and all Bids within the Project).


If by deleting a Plan from a Plan Set (or matching a Plan to an existing Plan after you already saved the Plan Set, creating Pages...) you cause the Page to be removed/deleted from the project, takeoff and annotation that exists on the affected Page in any Bid within the Project, will be lost, permanently. You are warned any time you perform any action that could cause a Page to be removed from the Project, do not take that warning lightly.

Once a Page is removed from a Project and deleted from all Bids within that Project, the Page can never be restored and anything stored on it, in any Bid in the Project is irretrievably lost.

toggle all-matched-unmatched plans
toggle all-matched-unmatched plans
toggle all-matched-unmatched plans
Toggles the list of Pages in the Current Set when more than one Set exists in the Project.After additional Sets (revisions) are added to a Project, usually the Plans they contain match up to existing Plans from Plan Sets you already added. You need to select the Original or Previous Plan to which a new Plan matches (for which the new Plan is a newer issue/revision (we call this Revision Matching and we cover it in detail in Chapter 11)).

The All, Matched, and Unmatched toggles can make this task easier by limiting what you see in the list to what needs to be matched or what has already been matched.

Plan Set Editor Context Menu

There are two options on the Context Menu (right-click menu), you can Delete and Duplicate one or more selected Plans from the Plan Set.

When you duplicate a Plan, another Page is created (when you save the Plan Set, of course). Duplicating does not duplicate the takeoff and annotation that was on the Page, just the Page itself.

Remember, if you delete a Plan that is the only plan associated with a Page, the Page is deleted, along with anything stored on that Page, in any bid in this project. A Page must be associated with at least one Plan in at least one Plan Set or it is removed from the project. You are always warned about performing an action that could cause a Page to be removed from a project, please do not take that warning lightly.

Plan Preview and Adjustment Panel

On the right side of the Plan Set Editor, you'll see the Plan Preview and Adjustment panel. The controls on this panel allow you to preview each Page and make adjustments to its orientation before saving the Set.

plan adjustment panel

Use the zoom and pan controls to find the title block in preview so you can update Page Names and Page Numbers. See Related Articles for why we recommend updating Page Names and Page Numbers.

There are several shortcut keys available in the Plan Preview and Adjustment Panel that can help you save a little time.

KeystrokeButton EquivalentWhat it does/Description...
<Ctrl> +<T>flip a plan verticallyFlips the previewed Page vertically (along the horizontal axis).
<Ctrl> +<H>flip a plan horizontallyFlips the previewed Page horizontally (along the vertical axis).
<Ctrl> +<R>rotate the plan to the rightIn a Plan Set that has never been saved, Rotates the previewed Page 90 degrees to the right (clockwise) *
In a Plan Set that has already been saved, Rotates the previewed Page 180 degrees to the right (clockwise)
<Ctrl> +<L>rotate the plan to the leftIn a Plan Set that has never been saved, Rotates the previewed Page 90 degrees to the left (counter-clockwise) *
In a Plan Set that has already been saved, Rotates the previewed Page 180 degrees to the left (counter-clockwise)
<Ctrl> +<P>panel sliderShows and Hides (toggles) the Plan Adjustment panel (the right-side panel housing the Plan Preview and adjustment tools).

* Once a Plan Set is saved, the Page's orientation is set and you can only flip it or rotate it 180 degrees in the Plan Set Editor. However, you can open the Bid, navigate to a Page and rotate the Page and everything on it in 90-degree increments. This avoids issues with takeoff or other objects falling 'outside' the page boundaries.

When you are working in the Plan Organizer and Plan Set Editor, changes to the Plan Organizer (creating, modifying, or deleting Pages) are only saved when you click the SAVE button.

click here to view the previous article What is The Plan Set Editor? A Detailed LookPlan Set Editor Grid - Columns Explained click here to view the next article


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