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05.02.06 Filtering within a Pane

Last Updated: 2022-02-10 07:16

Each Pane contains a list of information laid out in a grid.

The Filter control explained below works the same on other screens in ConstructConnect Takeoff - almost anywhere information is shown in a grid, you can Sort, Filter, and Group it.

Each column header contains a Filter control, activated by clicking the Filter button the filter button looks like a funnel.

In our example below, we are going to filter the Takeoff Items Pane to show only Takeoff Items with a Takeoff Item Group of "Floor".

(If "Group" is not showing in your Takeoff Items Pane, just click the Column Selector The column selector is the button with three vertical dots. and select "Group" to add that column to the grid.)

Takeoff Items Pane showing Takeoff Item Group
We highlighted the "Group" column, it does not show this way in the program.

Applying a Filter

Click the Filter button the filter button looks like a funnelin the Type column header and hover over "Filter by >" - a sub-menu opens showing all available Takeoff Item Groups shown in the grid.

Takeoff Items Pane Takeoff Item Group Filter control open, Floor highlighted

Select "Floors"...

Takeoff Items Pane filtered to show only Takeoff Item Group = Floor

The Takeoff Items Pane now displays only those Takeoff Items with a Takeoff Item Group of "Floors".

Notice, when any column if filtered, the filter control is blue Blue filter control indicates the column is filtered.

Clearing or Changing a Filter

To remove a Filter, click the Blue filter control indicates the column is filtered button and hover over "Filter by >".

The list shows with a check mark in front of the selection by which the grid is filtered.

To remove the filter, click on that check mark or just click "Clear" at the bottom of the list.

To change the filter to a different selection in the same column, place a check mark in front of the other selection (the first selection is removed, automatically).

Applying Multiple Filters

You can compound filters. Let us say that my name is Daniel Wallpaper and my coworker, Jason Benchmark, and I are working on a bid together. He has created some Takeoff Items and so have I - we have used the "Tag" field to identify our own Takeoff Items using our initials. As I am working, I only want to see Takeoff Items that I created (Tag is my initials) in this bid with a Takeoff Item Group of "Floor".

Continuing with our list above, filtered by Takeoff Item Group ("Floor"), we add the Column "Tag" to the grid.

Takeoff Items Pane showing Tag
Again, we highlighted the "Tag" column, it does not show this way in the program.

Now, click the Filter button the filter button looks like a funnelin the Tag column header and hover over "Filter by >" - a sub-menu opens showing all available Tags for the Takeoff Items currently shown in the grid. There may be other Tags used for Takeoff Items, but those Takeoff Items are not of Takeoff Item Group "Floor", so they are filtered out of the grid already and their Tags don't display in the filter control.

Takeoff Items Pane Takeoff Item Tag Filter control open, dw highlighted

Select "dw"...

Takeoff Items Pane filtered to show only Takeoff Item Type = Floor and Tage = dw

Notice, both the Tag and Group column headers show the blue Filter button Blue filter control indicates the column is filteredindicating that there is some filter applied to the grid for both Columns.

Again, to remove any filters, just open the filter control and click the filter already applied again or click "Clear".

click here to view the previous article Sorting within a Pane Grouping within a Pane click here to view the next article


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