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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


05.10 Docking and Undocking Additional Takeoff Windows

Last Updated: 2022-02-10 13:50

Docking and Undocking Takeoff Windows is a little different than docking and undocking Panes (Takeoff Items, Typical Groups, Views, etc.). The process is similar, though.

Undocking a Takeoff Window

To undock a Takeoff Window from the main application window, click on its tab and, while holding down the mouse button, drag the window away.

An undocked Takeoff Window looks just like a docked Takeoff Window, the only thing missing is the array of tabs along the top, showing the docked Takeoff Windows back in the main application window.


In the screenshot below, we have opened several additional Takeoff Windows, all currently docked in the main Takeoff Tab.

takeoff tab showing multiple, docked takeoff windows
A Takeoff window, docked

Now here's an example of what one of those Takeoff Window looks like when it is undocked from the Takeoff Tab.

undocked Takeoff Window
The Same Takeoff window, undocked

Notice, because the Takeoff Window is dedicated to displaying the plan, takeoff, and annotations, the window devotes more space to that effort. You can leave the Takeoff Items Pane (and all the other Panes) back in the main Takeoff Tab window, they are always available, just not part of this undocked Takeoff Window.


We undocked a Takeoff Window, not the Takeoff Tab so there are elements of the main interface that are not part of the undocked window such as the Conditions, Typical Groups, Layers, and other Panes, and the Status Bar.

  • Panels can be docked in the Takeoff Tab or undocked on moved to other screens - no matter where they are, they update as you make changes in each Takeoff Window.
  • The Status Bar (showing the Sheet/Plan information, the segment information for the current takeoff object, and the Zoom level) updates within the Main Takeoff Tab based on the current or last active Takeoff window (although you can open up to ten takeoff windows (per Bid), only one Takeoff window is active at any one time. Active means a Takeoff Window has focus (you clicked within or on it) or it was the last Takeoff Window you were working in).

Redocking a Takeoff Window

To re-dock a Takeoff Window,

Click on the Title Bar for the undocked Takeoff Window.

Drag and drop that window to the main Takeoff Tab, over an already-docked Takeoff window, until the docking control displays.

When you hover over the docking control, the docked Takeoff Window turns light blue, this indicates you can drop the Takeoff window (release your mouse button) to redock it.

Redocking a Takeoff Window

Redocking a Takeoff Window takes a few seconds.

If you do not need a Page open anymore, you can just close an undocked Takeoff Window by clicking the "X" in the upper-right corner.

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