Before we continue with creating Takeoff Items (formerly known as "Conditions") we need to talk about Layers. We need to discuss Layers before you start creating Takeoff Items, because you need to add a Layer to the list before you can assign a Takeoff Item to it.
Layers (as we covered in The Layers Pane) are similar to transparencies that are laid on top of your plan (which resides on its own Layer, aptly called the "Image Layer"). Layers can be Shown or Hidden depending on what you are currently working on. For example, if you are currently taking off the walls and ceilings of a plan, you can probably turn off the plumbing and flooring layers (which you would have to create first, of course).
System v. Custom Layers v. Takeoff Item Layers
System Layers
The ten Layers shown in the screenshot below (on the left) are called "System Layers". These Layers are automatically added to all new bids and cannot be changed or deleted.
System Layers are used by the program for the plan (Image), takeoff (for Takeoff Items not assigned to a Custom Layer), and Annotations (textboxes, highlighting, clouding, etc.). You cannot move these up or down in the list but you can show or hide them, just like a Takeoff Item or Custom Layer. You cannot assign a Takeoff Item to any System Layer except for "Takeoff Objects" (which is the Layer to which all Takeoff Items are assigned to by default). You cannot adjust the Layers to which Annotations or the Plan are assigned, either.
Custom Layers
A Custom Layer is a Layer you add to the Layers Pane that allows you show or hide the takeoff for several, like Takeoff Items at a time. For example, you may want to associate all your "Division 9 - Finishing" Takeoff Items to a Custom Layer named "Division 9" so that you can turn on or off the takeoff for all these Takeoff Items at once. Another example would be to assign all your framing Takeoff Items to one layer, and your mechanicals on another (assuming you have both types of takeoff on the same Page).
You can add as many custom layers as you like for takeoff objects (by default, they go on the "Takeoff Objects" system Layer). You can add a Layer to a bid and that Layer is available on in that bid only. You also can set up "Default Custom Layers that get added to every new bid. We cover Default Custom Layers in our Chapter on Masters.
Takeoff Item (Condition) Layers
We touched on Takeoff Item Layers briefly in The Takeoff Item Pane and Toolbar. Every Takeoff Item in your bid exists on its own Takeoff Item Layer. You can show or hide the takeoff per-Takeoff Item by clicking the "Show-Hide" control (the eye) in the Takeoff Items Pane. This is handy if you want to hide the takeoff for a Takeoff Item whose takeoff is "getting in the way" of what you want to do. It does not matter what System or Custom Layer the takeoff's Takeoff Item is assigned to, only that Takeoff Item's takeoff is affected by the Takeoff Item Layer. This is why a combination of Takeoff Item Layers and Custom Layers helps you manage what you see on the screen.
Layers have no effect on calculation or Results. Although you can group or filter the Summary Tab by Layer, the cumulative totals are not affected.
Layers do, however, affect what you see when you print the Takeoff Tab. This is a great way to control what gets printed - if the Layer is turned "off", whatever is on that Layer is not printed.