09.01 Advanced Takeoff: Multi-Condition (Takeoff Item) and Typical Takeoff
Last Updated: 2022-09-01 12:22
In the previous chapter, we explained how to draw takeoff, and even though we spent countless hours trying to make drawing takeoff an easy process (and we hope you find that our takeoff tools are intuitive and efficient), we have to admit, there is only so much you can do when you are taking off a single Takeoff Item at a time on a single section of a Page.
Because we strive to make taking off a bid easier, we developed several features to help you takeoff your project more efficiently and accurately than ever before!
First is Multi-Condition Takeoff - select 2, 5, 20, or more Takeoff Items and draw their takeoff all at the same time. (This is such a great timesaver that it's patented!)
Next we have Typical Groups - great for blocks of takeoff that repeat on different pages - for example, if you are taking off an apartment building or hotel, odds are that there are suites or units that occur, exactly the same, on multiple floors. You define a Typical Group and then use it like a Count Takeoff Items to drop that "group" of takeoff objects on your plans with one click.
Last, but not least, Typical Areas allow you to multiply takeoff Results and allocate those extensions out to different Bid Areas. You only see the takeoff once on the plan, but the Results can be multiplied out as many times as necessary.
You can combine these time-savers to takeoff your project with lightning speed and unprecedented accuracy! - We'll cover that, too!
Learning Goal
At the end of this chapter, you should be comfortable using advanced takeoff features to make completing the takeoff on your project faster and and with greater accuracy than ever.
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