The Results in the Takeoff Items Pane (on the Takeoff Tab) only show quantities for takeoff objects, including Typical Groups and Areas, for the Active Page. To see cumulative totals for your entire Bid, or to see the Results for a single Typical Group or Typical Area, use the Summary Tab. (You can also see cumulative totals on the Worksheet Tab, but not totals for a single instance of a Typical Group or Typical Area.)
We cover using the "Typicals View" in detail in Related Articles, for now, we just want to breakout our cumulative results into Bid Areas.

The Summary Tab can show you the takeoff Results in many ways including a "Typicals View" that shows you a breakdown of what is included in each Typical Area and how it is is allocated across your bid.

Next up, Annotations - Plan Markups that are not takeoff measurements.