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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


11.04.01 Resizing Linear Takeoff

Last Updated: 2022-03-17 07:55

Linear objects can be resized using the adjustment controls at either end of a selected object.


When we are zoomed out, the piece of takeoff in the screenshot below looks like it matches the Plan, note the Results.

Linear takeoff object - zoomed out

When we zoom in, we can see that it is, in fact, a little longer than the object on the Plan.

Linear takeoff object - zoomed in, takeoff does not match plan exactly

Yes, a minor difference in length doesn't matter so much for small linear takeoff objects, but when multiplied throughout a Bid, that could affect your cumulative totals significantly. Imagine if you are using Typical Groups or Typical Areas - you could be multiplying a "minor" error to the point it materially affects your takeoff Results.

To resize this linear object,

  • Click once on the object to select it - notice the resize handles on each end

Takeoff resize handles

  • Click once on the first grab handle and drag it to the correct point
  • Repeat for the other end
While you are resizing, the cursor becomes the "Resize" cursor Takeoff resize cursor.

After you resize your linear object to match the Plan, notice the change to your Results.

Linear takeoff object - sized to match plans, note updated takeoff Results

Again, a single object probably will not have a substantial effect on your Bid's takeoff results, but all those small variances can add up, especially if the object is part of a Typical Group or assigned to a Typical Area.

click here to view the previous article Resizing Takeoff Objects Splitting a Single Linear Takeoff Object into Individual Segments click here to view the next article


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