In the previous article, we explained how you can rotate one or more objects around a common, central axis. Sometimes, however, you may want to rotate several objects around their own individual axes - we call this "spinning".
You know how we are always suggesting you re-use something you've already done rather than re-creating the wheel? Well, sometimes, you try, but what you need is not pointed in the same direction as what you have. ConstructConnect Takeoff makes rotating and spinning takeoff a snap. We cover spinning in the next article.
Let us say you have a group of takeoff objects and you'd like to rotate each of them on their individual center points. We call that "Spinning" takeoff and it is pretty easy. We will use an example of Count objects even though their orientation doesn't really matter, it is easier to see what we are talking about.
So, we've taken off three triangle-shaped Count objects (YES, this works with Areas, Linears, and Counts, even Attachments).
Select "Spin Takeoff in Place..." and the rotate handle displays.
Now, grab the handle and start 'spinning' the takeoff...
Notice that each object is spinning on its individual center point (axis).
Notice how we can spin Attachments independently/separately from their Parent object (as long as they will still fit and aren't too close to the edge they can be rotated or spun).
Now, one last example - for this one, we are spinning a room of Linear and Area takeoff.
Remember, spin, rotates each piece of takeoff around its individual axis. In the example above, this produces undesirable results. To rotate the linear and area objects around the same central axis, we'd use the Rotate takeoff command covered in previous article. Be sure you understand the difference between Rotating and Spinning takeoff.