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13.05 Summary Tab: Takeoff Items View vs. Typicals View

Last Updated: 2022-03-24 08:12

You can toggle the Summary Tab between Takeoff Items View button and  Typicals View button by clicking the buttons at the top of the Tab, just to the right of the Default View button.

Takeoff Items View

Takeoff Items View is the default view of the Summary Tab and shows every Takeoff Item used in the bid along with every Result you have made "active" in the Takeoff Item Properties (see Related Articles for more information on Takeoff Items and Previous articles for more information on the Takeoff Items View).

Typicals View

If you use Typical Groups or Typical Areas in your Bid, odds are you want to know what is included in a single instance of each, and of course, how many times each Typical is used, and where.

Click on the Typicals View toggle to see each of your Typical Groups/Areas broken out.

Typical Groups

If you have used Typical Groups in your bid, you can use the Summary Tab's "Typicals View" to see how much takeoff is included in the defined Typical Group, and how many times each Typical Group is used in your bid (highlighted in green below).

Summary Tab showing Typical Groups

The columns to the right of the Subtotal column show the breakdown by Bid Areas (by default).

Typical Areas

This is our takeoff and how we setup our Typical Areas:

Takeoff Tab showing takeoff and Typical Areas matrix

On the Summary Tab, when we select Typicals View, we see what makes up the Typical Area:

Summary Tab showing individual Typical Areas and cumulative totals

The green highlighted regions show us how many times this Typical Area was used in the bid and in each Bid Area (review Related Articles to understand why the Subtotal and Bid Total may not match).

This view also shows how much of each Takeoff Item's Result is included in a single instance of a Typical Area (the Bid Total is just those values multiplied by the "modifier" which is the number of times the Typical Area occurs in each Bid Area in the Typical Areas dialog box).

click here to view the previous article Using the Pivot Table Controls to Create Row GroupsFiltering the Typicals View click here to view the next article


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