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16.05.05 Variables You Can Use in Custom Formulas

Last Updated: 2024-02-29 13:22

These are the numerous variables you can use in a Custom Formulas. You probably will never use most of these but they are available, in case you do.


Please note, some variables may mean more than one thing, depending on what Style (linear, area, count, or attachment) of Takeoff Item the Formula is used to calculate against (for example "W" can mean diameter (in formulas for circular Count/Attachment Results) or Width (in most other formulas).

Also, remember that 'Length' refers only to Linear takeoff - how long the object is that you draw on the Takeoff Window. When you write a formula for use in an Area, Count, or Attachment, use the Dimensions "Width" and "Depth".

Just because a variable is marked as "Lineal" (as an example) does not mean you cannot use it in a Volume or Area Formula, it is just an indicator that the UOM is considered a Lineal measurement. Keep in mind the possible UOMs for a Variable when you build formulas. Mathematically, for example, you just cannot add a SF and LF result (you cannot add a linear foot to a square foot, you know). You would have to introduce another step in your formula to convert the SF to a LF - usually by dividing by 1LF). Some variables, of course, are simply not usable in some Takeoff Item Types (Linear, Area, Count), the grids below show you in what Type of Takeoff Item each variable may be used.

Non-Dimensional Variables

(countable, not associated specifically with linear, area, or volume measurements)

Formula PropertyVariableLinearsAreasCounts &
TriangleSquareCircleRectangleCustomLinear Attachment
(Doors, Windows, etc)
Tile Count VisibleVTCX
Tile Count RoundedTCRX
Exact Tile Count VisibleETCX
Perimeter Intersection CountPICX
Field Intersection CountFICX

Lineal Results Variables

Includes lineal results from all Takeoff Item Types (Linear, Area, Count, Attachment).

Formula PropertyVariableLinearsAreasCounts &
TriangleSquareCircleRectangleCustomLinear Attachment
(Doors, Windows, etc)
Inner Curve LengthICLX
Outer Curve LengthOCLX
Gap WidthGWX
Tile HeightTHX
Tile WidthTWX
Grid Length*GLX
Backout PerimeterBPX
Attachment PerimeterAPXX
Attachment WidthAWXX

*There is a known issue with Grid Length multiplied by Weight per Length. Do not use the GL variable with the WL variable. Create a custom formula for the specific Weight of an object, for example:

CC Takeoff Custom Formula editor

This Custom Formula would result in a calculation of 2.04 LBs per Linear Foot of grid (such as rebar).

Area Results Variables

Includes area results from any Takeoff Item Type (Linear, Area, Count, Attachment)

Formula PropertyVariableLinearsAreasCounts &
TriangleSquareCircleRectangleCustomLinear Attachment
(Doors, Windows, etc)
Attachment AreaAAXX
Backout AreaBAX

Volume Variables

Includes volume results from any Takeoff Item Type (Linear, Area, Count, Attachment)

Formula PropertyVariableLinearsAreasCounts &
TriangleSquareCircleRectangleCustomLinear Attachment
(Doors, Windows, etc)
Backout VolumeBVX
Attachment VolumeAVXX

click here to view the previous article Custom Formula Examples - CountsMasters - Bid Statuses click here to view the next article


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