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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


17.02 Settings - Takeoff Default (New Bid Settings)

Last Updated: 2022-02-15 09:01

Takeoff Defaults (New Bid Settings) are applied to all new bids created after changing the settings. Bids that already exist are not affected.

New Bid Settings or Takeoff Defaults

These options affect the settings for new bids - if you want to change these settings on an existing bid, just open that bid's Cover Sheet.

OptionWhat it does/How it is used...
System of Measurement
Sets new bids (those created after changing this setting) to either Imperial (U.S. measurements such as Inches, Feet, Square Feet) or S.I. (meters, millimeters, etc.).
Default: Imperial
Takeoff Increments
Set how small of a takeoff increment you want to use. For example, when you are taking off in Imperial, do you want the minimum segment length to be 1 inch, 12 inches, two feet? Same goes for Metric - you can set how many millimeters a segment will 'jump to' when you are plan measurements. This also can be set per Bid, on the Cover Sheet.
Default: 1 inch (Imperial) 10 mm (SI)
AutoFill Tolerance
When auto-filling a closed linear takeoff object (like a rectangle), this setting dictates how close two linear objects need to be to be considered 'touching'. For example, by default, the tolerance is 6" (Imperial). That means, if all linear boundary segments are within 6" of the next segment, the object is considered 'closed' and you can use auto-fill. However, if even one of the segments is greater than 6" away from a neighboring segment, the entire object is considered 'unclosed' for the purposes of autofill.
Default: 6 inches (Imperial), 100 mm (SI)

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