17.08 Settings - Takeoff Object Details Pop-up
Last Updated: 2022-02-15 09:21 |
Takeoff Object Details are the small pop-ups that shows up next to a single piece of takeoff when you click on it (in the Takeoff Windows). Takeoff Object Details are not shown when you select multiple takeoff objects. You can set various options for the pop-ups. 
Option | What it does/How it is used... |
Show Takeoff Object Details | When you click on a single piece of takeoff, the program shows you the Takeoff Item Name and Number, the Page Area, Bid Area, or Typical Area to which the object is assigned, and every Result that has been set to show in the Takeoff Items Panel. Default: Checked | Show Takeoff Result Name | Adds each Result's Name to the pop-up. Default: Unchecked |
 Example of Takeoff Item Card without Result Names
 Example of Takeoff Item Card showing Result Names