01.03.02 Notifications
Last Updated: 2022-05-09 08:04 |
Invitation to Collaborate
When you are invited to collaborate on a project by someone outside your Organization, you are notified within ConstructConnect Takeoff.
Next to your name, the Notification icon displays a blue dot when you have new notifications.
Click the icon to open the Notifications panel.

Notifications show you your pending Invitations to Collaborate, which include:
- The name of the Organization in which the project resides.
- The name of the Project.
- Approximately how long ago you received the notification.
There are two actions you can take:
- Decline - removes the invitation from your Notifications panel without adding the project to your Projects and Bids List. If you decline in error, contact the Organization that invited you and ask them to invite you again.
- Accept - adds the project to your Projects and Bids List and removes the invitation from your Notifications panel. Once added to your Projects and Bids List, you can see the Access Level you have been assigned.
See Related Articles for more information on inviting people to collaborate on your projects and assigning different access levels.