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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


2021.03.0.0 3/19/2021

Last Updated: 2024-05-22 10:50

Version 2021.3.0.0 is a scheduled upgrade to ConstructConnect Takeoff that includes a number of new features, several enhancements, and numerous bug fixes.

Features (What's New)

  • The application displays Active Users in Bid and Plan Organizer.
  • You can now add Bid Statuses and Project Types on-the-fly in the Cover Sheet.
  • You can now Search in the Select Takeoff Item Template dialog box.
  • We added Print to PDF function, so you no longer have to have a 3rd party PDF printer.

Changes (What's Different)

  • We added duplicated footer controls to undocked Takeoff Windows to improve your user experience.
  • We added a Terms of User Agreement that user must read and accept on first launch.


  • TD-19378 - Duplicating multiple plans several times in the Plan Organizer was causing a crash.
  • TD-19598 - Performance enhancements have been made to improve print quality when printing to paper or to various PDF creation products.
  • TD-19689 - On the Takeoff tab, the last open Takeoff window cannot be detached or closed if the main Takeoff window has been closed.
  • TD-19110 - Hovering over the left or right edge of an option listed in the Profile menu will highlight that row, and if you click anywhere in that row, the option will be selected
  • TD-19876 - Users with Editor role but no specific project permissions can connect to bid via ConstructConnect LiveLink.
  • TD-19032 - Duplicating a large number of pages (+1000) in the Plan Organizer was causing a crash when the user had a low amount of disc space (less than 4GB).
  • TD-19082 - Deleting pages with takeoff in a bid with Typical Areas was intermittently causing a crash.
  • TD-19418 - The Save button is active when a user adds two plan sets to the Plan Organizer, matches the pages, closes and reopens the Plan Organizer, and then deactivates the original plan set.
  • TD-19438 - Deleting (moving to Recycle Bin) a bid and then its related project and then restoring the project keeps related bid visible in Recycle Bin.
  • TD-19536 - Images that were uploaded successfully and had some completed takeoff were later showing as blank but Project didn’t show Pending Uploads indicator.
  • TD-17600 - If a user’s permission level or access to a project changes while they’re in it, a dialog will appear notifying them of the change.
  • TD-19064 - Files larger than 20MB can no longer be added to the Takeoff Tab.
  • TD-19431 - If a user’s permission level or access to a project changes while they’re in the Project or Bid Cover Sheet, they’ll be notified of the change and the respective Cover Sheet will close.
  • TD-19103 - Takeoff Items list no longer jumps/scrolls randomly when any takeoff item is hidden or unhidden.

Known Issues

  • If a Sheet no longer belongs to the Current Set in a bid because the Revision Page was deleted and the Original Page was deactivated, the takeoff and annotations done on the Revision Page do not get removed from the bid as expected and the totals on the Worksheet and Summary Tabs are incorrect.
    • Workaround: Activate/deactivate Original Set.
  • Bids originating from the ConstructConnect Platform cannot be imported into Quick Bid when the Bid Date, Bid Time, Start Date, and End Date are missing from the Bid Cover Sheet.
    • Workaround: Enter Bid Date/Time, Start/End Date on the Bid Cover Sheet in ConstructConnect Takeoff. Rememberto press Tab or Enter after adding dates/times to activate Save button for BidCover Sheet.

00 ConstructConnect Takeoff Release Notes History


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