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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


12.01 Editing an Existing Plan Set

Last Updated: 2022-06-16 14:55

You may need to add Plans, rename Pages, change Discipline or other Plan Details, or delete Plans from a Set. We cover editing an existing Plan Set in this article and adding a new (revision) Plan Set next article.

Editing an Existing Plan Set

On the Project and Bids List, expand the project to which you want to add a Plan Set and click on a Bid's Plan Organizer button. (Even though Plans are shared between all Bids in the Project, the Plan Organizer is opened for an individual bid.)

The Plan Organizer opens (we made the Plan Organizer wider so we could see all the columns).

Plan Organizer Open in Locked mode

The Plan Organizer opens in "locked" mode, click the Edit Plan Organizer button in the lower-right corner to unlock it (notice, you now see Cancel and Save buttons).

Plan Organizer Open in Edit Mode with Edit Plan Set button highlighted

In the header of the existing Plan Set, click the Edit Plan Set button to the right of the name of the Plan Set, the Plan Set Editor opens.

Plan Set Editor open

At this point, you can make whatever changes you want to this Plan Set.

Adding Plans and Pages

Click the Add Plans to a Plan Set button to add additional Plans and Pages to it - a Browse for Folder dialog box will open - navigate to the folder that contains the Plans you want to add - remember, CCTO adds every supported file in that folder.

To add one or two Plans from a large number of files, just copy them into a New Folder and select that New Folder.

Deleting Plans and Pages

Click the X to delete a Plan from this Plan Set

If you delete a Plan from a Project and there are no other Revisions for that Page, you delete the Page from the Project (all Bids). However, if a Page has at least one other Plan associated with it, the Page is not removed from the Project, just this Plan Set. If in doubt, return to the Plan Organizer and verify a Plan exists for this Page in at least one other, Active Plan Set.

You are prompted to confirm deleting a Plan (at this point, CCTO is being extra cautious because it does not know if there are other Plans associated with a Page within this Plan Set Editor.

Delete Page 1st Confirmation

You will be prompted a 2nd time - it's that important!

Delete Page 2nd Confirmation

Renaming Pages

Click twice (not double-click) in the Page Name field to put it in Edit mode and then update the Page Name to match your Plans.

You can change the name of a Page in the Plan Set Editor

Why does this matter? When you are working in a Bid, the Page Name is shown in the Page Navigator:

Page Name shows in Page Navigator

And the Page Area Name and the name of the Takeoff Window:

Page Name is the Page Area Name and the name of the Takeoff Window

Changing Discipline

Select one or more Pages and drag-n-drop from one Discipline to another.

Drag n Drop in the Plan Set Editor to change Discipline

In addition to changing the Details about each Page, when you are collating your Pages, typically you need to rearrange/reorder them. You do that in the Plan Organizer, not in the Plan Set Editor.

click here to view the previous article What are Revisions (or Addenda Sets or Issues)? Adding a Revision (Addenda) Set click here to view the next article


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