In Project Cover Sheet, we showed you the initial, blended Cover Sheet you see when you create a new Project that includes Project and Bid information). By default, the Bid created when you add a new Project is named "Base Bid" - we recommend that you update this name when you create a Project. Many fields on the Bid Cover Sheet are displayed in columns in the Projects and Bids List - none are required to create a project (except for Bid Name), but we recommend filling out Project and Bid details as thoroughly as possible.
When you first create a
Bid, it is important that you update the
Bid Name because a
Project and Bids List where all bids are named "Base
Bid" is not very efficient. But, we tend not to dictate how you use the product, rather, we explain how it works and offer advice.
To open the Bid Cover Sheet, from the Projects and Bids List, locate the project in which the bid exists and expand it by clicking the small arrow to the left of the Project Number.

Click on the Bid Cover Sheet button
(it is to the right of the Bid Name), the Bid Cover Sheet opens.

Notice, the Bid Cover Sheet includes the project information also, however you cannot change the project information from the Bid Cover Sheet, it is shown for reference only.
Although the only required field is the Bid Name (which defaults to "Base Bid"), we recommend you fill out the Cover Sheet as completely as possible.
Be sure to set your System of Measurement (Imperial or Metric), this affects all dimensions you see in this bid and the Units of Measure you can select for takeoff results.
We encourage you to set Lead Estimator and select/create Bid Status because these are all shown on the Project and Bids List and are searchable fields (important for when you have a thousand projects and bids in your list). Bid Date and Time, Code, and Contract/Job No. are also visible on the Projects and Bids List but are not searchable.
To open the Plan Organizer, click the button at the Plan Organizer button
at the top of the window. Plan Organization is covered in the next Chapter.
When you are done making your changes to the Cover Sheet, click Save. Clicking Save or Cancel does not close the Cover Sheet, it only saves or rejects your edits.
Click the "X" in the upper-right corner to close the Cover Sheet.
You can open the
Bid Cover Sheet from the
Takeoff Tab, see Related Articles for more information.