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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


03.10 Creating Additional Bids in Same Project

Last Updated: 2022-06-13 14:55

Many projects go through stages or require more than one bid for any number of reasons. When you create a project, the program creates the first bid for you automatically, there are two ways to create additional bids within the project.

Starting from Scratch - Adding a New Bid

If there is nothing in an existing bid in this project you want or need (takeoff, annotations, Conditions, Bid Areas, etc.), you can create a bid from scratch.

Make sure you have selected the project in which you want to create a bid (or a bid within that project, anything that puts focus on the project).

Click the Add Project-Bid button in the main toolbar and select "New Bid...".

The new bid is created and its Cover Sheet opens in edit mode so you can fill in the information you need.

The only field you must change is Bid Name (which defaults to "Base Bid").

Click Save to add this bid to your project (if you click Cancel, there is no record of this bid).

Before you can do anything in this bid, you must make one or more Plan Sets "active". See Related Articles for details on doing that - we cover Plan Organization in the next Chapter.

Once you have activated one or more Plan Sets, Save the Bid Cover Sheet and then close it my by clicking the "X" in the upper-right corner.

Duplicating an Existing Bid

The easiest way to create a new bid in a project that includes all the Conditions, takeoff, annotations, etc., you have already created, is to duplicate a bid. You then go back and delete out what you do not need in the copy - it is much easier and faster than re-creating everything from scratch.

Duplicating a bid duplicates everything about that bid, down to every piece of takeoff and annotation drawn within the bid. You must change the Bid's Name, however, by opening the copy's Cover Sheet.

First, make sure you have the bid selected,

Click the Duplicate Project-Bid button on the main toolbar.

The bid is duplicated and immediately saved.

The duplicate bid's Cover Sheet opens for you to review.

Click the Edit Bid Information button in the Cover Sheet and update any information necessary.

The duplicate's Bid Name has been been set to the name of the original bid with "- Copy" added.

You can add or activate or deactivate Plan Sets, as needed, by opening the Plan Organizer, just click the Plan Organizer button at the top of the window. When you duplicate a bid, any Plan Sets that were active in the original bid are active in the duplicate - activating and deactivate in one bid has no effect on other bids in the same project.

When you are done making your changes to the Cover Sheet, click Save. Clicking Save or Cancel does not close the Cover Sheet, it only saves or rejects your edits.

Click the "X" in the upper-right corner to close the Cover Sheet.

click here to view the previous article The Bid Cover Sheet (Detail) What are Plans, Plan Sets, and Revisions? click here to view the next article


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