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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


06.07.01 Creating an Attachment Takeoff Item - Specifying the Results You Want to See

Last Updated: 2022-02-21 08:25

After you specify the details about what your Takeoff Item is (Takeoff Item Properties, previous article), how takeoff drawn with it should work, and the measurements and options needed to calculate Results, it is time to tell the program just what Results you want to see.

On the Results Tab, you find a list of Results available for Counts.

Attachment Results are similar to Count Takeoff Item Results and are specific to the Shape of the Attachment.

Linear Attachment Takeoff Item Properties - Results
Linear Attachment Results

Area Attachment Takeoff Item Properties - Results
Area Attachment Results

What do the "T" and "W" Check Boxes Do?

The T and W columns control which Results are shown in the Takeoff Items Pane and the Worksheet Tab.

  • When you put a check mark in a Result's "T" column, the Result is shown in the Takeoff Items Pane (remember "T" for "Takeoff Item") and the Result is moved up in the list (below the other checked Results). You can adjust the order of the Results, that are set to show in the Takeoff Items Pane, by using the Move Up arrow and Move Down arrow buttons at the bottom of the Results tab.
  • When you put a check mark in a Result's "W" column, the Result is shown on the Worksheet Tab (remember "W" for "Worksheet") but its position does not change.

When you click on "T", "W" is selected automatically but you can remove the check mark for "W" if you do not want to see the Result on the Worksheet.

The "W" check box is an indicator to show which Results are displayed on the Worksheet Tab or those that are being displayed on the Worksheet Tab. See Related Articles for more information on the Worksheet Tab.

The Results Toolbar

the results toolbar includes options to add a Result, move a Result up or down, delete a Result you previously added, and toggle on or off the pricing columns.

The results toolbar includes options to add a Result, move a Result up or down, delete a Result you previously added, and toggle on or off the pricing columns.

ButtonDescription What it Does or How It it is Used
the add button is a large plus sign Add Result 
the delete button is a large XDelete Result  
the move up button is an upward pointing arrowMove UpMoves a Resulted marked with "T" up through the list of Results marked with "T". The order shown in the Results tab affects the order of columns shown in the Takeoff Items Pane.
the move down button is a downward pointing arrowMove DownMoves a Resulted marked with "T" down through the list of Results marked with "T". The order shown in the Results tab affects the order of columns shown in the Takeoff Items Pane.
the pricing button is dollar signPrice ResultsThe Price Results, or Price Takeoff Item toggle shows or hides the Results Pricing columns. When toggled on, you can apply Labor, Material, Equipment, Subs, and Other costs to the Takeoff Item. See Related Articles for details on Adding Pricing to Takeoff Items and Takeoff Item Templates.


There are many Results the program can show you for each Takeoff Item (we say "show" because all these Results are calculated in the Cloud, so if you enabled or checked every Result, you would not slow down the program, it would just take up a lot of space in the Takeoff Items Pane). You can select as many or as few Results to display on your Takeoff Items Pane as you need.

There are numerous Results you could choose for Attachments. Usually, you need to know how many (for example doors, windows, or light fixtures) so you select "Count". Other Results you select depend on what trade you are tracking. You may care about the surface area of a door if you are a Painting contractor, or maybe the perimeter of Area Attachments such a slight boxes to account for additional trim.

Check as many Results as you like. As you select Results to show, they are moved to the top of the list (below previously selected results). Once selected to show in the Takeoff Items Pane (the "T" box is checked), you can reorder the results using the Move Up arrow and Move Down arrow buttons at the bottom of the list.

For each Result, select the Unit of Measure (UOM) you want to use - for example, a length result can be shown in LF, IN, or LY (or in a metric database, mm and m).

If you are interested in the formula the program is using to calculate a specific result, you can look up the result in the Masters Formulas screen, see Related Articles for more information on Masters.

Adding Results

Click the Add New button to open the Attachment Formulas dialog box.

For Attachments (much like Counts in the previous article), the Shape determines the available Results (Linear or Area, and if Area, the geometric shape).

If we choose a Linear Attachment Shape (an opening such as a door or window), we see Linear Attachment Formulas.

you can select addition results to add to this Takeoff Item
Rectangle Count Formulas

However, if this was an Area Attachment Shape, the list of Formulas would be specific for the chosen Shape (circle, square, rectangle, or triangle).

you can select addition results to add to this Takeoff Item
Rectangular (Area) Attachment Formulas

If you want to show the same Result twice, maybe for different pricing purposes, you can add the same Result more than once by selecting the appropriate Result from the list of Available Formulas - these include System Formulas (those that come with ConstructConnect Takeoff) and any Linear-based Custom Formulas you already created.

The included Results list is pretty extensive, but if you find you need to calculate a Result other than one of the defaults, you can use the Custom Formula builder. We cover Custom Formulas later in this User Guide, see Related Articles if you want to jump ahead.

Only Custom Formulas can be deleted from the list of Results.

click here to view the previous article Attachment Takeoff Item - PropertiesCopying and Pasting Takeoff Itemsclick here to view the next article


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