All users with access to your Takeoff project can see the Punch List, however you may need to send the Punch List to vendors, managers, or users who are not part of your Organization or who do not have access to ConstructConnect Takeoff.
You can export the Punch List, to an Excel file, and then send that file to anyone (or share it via a cloud drive service such as OneDrive or DropBox).
However the Punch List is currently filtered, sorted, or grouped is how it is exported. See Related Articles for more information on filter, sorting, and grouping lists.
In our example below, we are filtering by "Assigned To:" so we can send all a subcontractor's work items to him or her.

Click the
button on the bottom of the list.
The "Save As" dialog box opens - browse to wherever you want to save the export file.
Click Save
A pop-up displays when the export is complete, when you click OK, the program attempts to open the export file in Excel.

Please consult your Excel User Guide for assistance with manipulating your data once it has been exported.