Getting Help and Support is just a phone call, e-mail, or click away!
Many user questions (How to's) can be answered in our Training Videos and User Guides. Training Videos and User Guide links are available on the Getting Started tab in ConstructConnect Takeoff, in the left-side Table of Contents in this knowledgebase, and under your avatar in every application.
How Do I...? (Training Request)
Have a question on how to accomplish something or use some feature in your product? We're here to help!
How Do I...?
or type "" in your Internet browser.
(You can also click the "How Do I..." option in any On Center product.)
Typically, our Trainers are booked in advance, so our Customer Service team reviews all Training Requests and may respond instead of a trainer. More often than not, they have the answer at their fingertips, if not, they'll be sure to get you in contact with the correct trainer as quickly as possible.
Feature Requests (New Functionality or Changes to Existing)
Do you have an Idea to make our software even better? We're all ears!
Submit Feature Request
or type "" in your Internet browser.
(You can also click the "Request a Feature" option in any Takeoff or Estimating product.)
Did you know? Over half of the feature requests we receive are for functionality that already exists in the software! Sometimes, it's just not named what you expect or hard to find. If so, we'll will be able to steer you in the right direction right away!
Contact Technical Support
ConstructConnect's professional Support staff is available Sunday 5:00 p.m. (CST) through Friday 10:00 p.m. to assist you with your software concerns. If you run into problems with using the Takeoff platform or ConstructConnect Takeoff, don't hesitate to contact us.
New Issue (You are not working with someone already)
Cases are worked in the order they are received. You should expect a response within 24 hours (business days). If this is an emergency, please call.
Submit a Web Case
Just click the button below...
Contact Support
or type "" in your Internet browser,
Send an e-mail
Send an e-mail to:
Please include:
- Your full name
- Your Company Name
- The Product about which you are contacting us
- Your issue/concern and when it started happening
- How you would like to be contacted (phone or e-mail)
or send an e-mail to:
This opens the Takeoff Support/Customer Care page.
Provide as much detail as possible using the form on that page. Include your daytime contact information.
Urgent Technical Support Issue?
Typically, we get back to you within an hour or so, if you need immediate assistance call us right away.
Takeoff Specific Support: 866-689-5687
Hours: Sunday 5:00PM – Friday 10:00PM Central Time
Existing Issue (You have an open Case and are already working with someone)
If you are working with someone at ConstructConnect already, to ensure you get in touch with the correct person:
- Please reply to the last Case e-mail you received, or
- Call the phone number you originally used and refer to your case number, we'll make sure you get to the right party
Remote Control
If the agent you're working with asks you to join a remote session, click this button...

You need the code the Technical Support Representative provides you to join the remote session.
Support for your ConstructConnect Account (Platform or Portal)
Phone:877-4CC-TOOL (877-422-8665)
Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:00AM-5:00PM Friday 7:00AM-4:00PM Central Time
ConstructConnect Platform Apps
ConstructConnect Project Intelligence
ConstructConnect Bid Center
ConstructConnect Bid Manager
DocViewer & Web Takeoff
User Management Portal
On Center Software Products
On-Screen Takeoff
Quick Bid
Digital Production Control
PlanSwift KnowledgeBase
QuoteSoft Training KnowledgeBase
iSqFt's Support Page
SmartBid's Help Center (requires logging into your SmartBid's account)