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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


ConstructConnect Throws an Error When Shutting Down or Trying to Launch from a Pinned Shortcut

Last Updated: 2022-02-09 14:45


You pin ConstructConnect Takeoff to your taskbar and when you close the program, you receive the following error, and your shortcut disappears:

Log out error caused by incorrectly pinned shortcut


This error occurs if you pinConstructConnect Takeoff to your taskbar while the program is running.

Because ConstructConnect Takeoff uses a Click-Once installer (so that your program is updated automatically and you do not have to be an admin to install it), the program must be launched using the click-once shortcut, not a pinned shortcut created while the program is open/running.

Do not pin the running program to task bar


Close ConstructConnect Takeoff.

Remove the pinned shortcut from the Taskbar if it is still there (right-click it and then select "Unpin from taskbar").

On your desktop, or in your Start Menu, locate the shortcut for ConstructConnect Takeoff.

  • Desktop shortcut: Click the desktop shortcut and drag-n-drop it to your taskbar (you should see a little popup that reads "Pin to taskbar").
  • Start Menu: right-click on the shortcut to the application and select "Pin to Taskbar".

Drag the desktop icon to create a pinned shortcut
Dragging desktop shortcut to Taskbar

Right-click on the Start menu shortcut to pin it to the Taskbar
Pin Start Menus shortcut to Taskbar

Now, when you click on that pinned shortcut, the Click-Once installer can check for updates and then log you into the application.


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