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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff

31 07.06 Drawing Count Takeoff

Drawing (or placing/dropping) Count takeoffs allows you to determine the total number of objects such as footings, columns, and plumbing fixtures in your project. When you select a Count Takeoff Item, the Count Takeoff Tool becomes active (there is only one…

32 07.07 Drawing Attachments Takeoff (Overview)

Attachments account for objects on a plan such as windows, doors, or lightboxes (in a suspended ceiling), that are bound to a Parent (a door, for example, is bound or attached to a wall, a lightbox is attached to the ceiling in which it is installed). Counts…

33 07.07.01 Drawing Linear Attachments (Detailed)

Linear Attachments are openings such as windows, doors, or simply openings, that can be placed on linear takeoff. For our example, we start out by drawing a linear object that is 10' long. The Linear Takeoff Item is 8'00 high so our Results are 10 LF and…

34 07.07.02 Drawing Area Attachments (Detailed)

Area Attachments account for objects that attach to and deduct from Area takeoff. For example, if you measured an acoustical ceiling or tile floor, an Attachment could be something that replaces part of that Area with a counted object - such as a light or…

35 07.08 Showing (Turning On) a Hidden Layer to Draw Takeoff

When a Layer or a Takeoff Item Layer is hidden (you have unchecked its check box), and you select a Takeoff Item assigned to that Layer or select a Takeoff Item whose individual Layer is turned off, the program prompts you to Turn On the hidden layer. Prompt…


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