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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


06.02.02 Adding a Custom Layer

Last Updated: 2022-02-17 11:23

Before you can assign a Takeoff Item to a Custom Layer, you have to create that Custom Layer. Layers are one of the very few things you cannot build "on-the-fly" from the Takeoff Item Properties dialog box - they must be built before they can be used.

Open the Layers Pane (you may want to pin it open while you are using it). Remember - you can dock Panes on either side of the application and even stack them into two "rows" in the side dockbars.

the Layers Pane is docked on the right side of the application by default

Now click the Add New button the add button looks like a large plus sign, a new row is added to the Layers Pane.

Type in a name for your new Layer and press and Enter on your keyboard.

Custom Layers (the Layers you add) can be moved up and down in the Layers Pane, although you cannot move them into the System Layers region.

Use the the show button looks like an open eye (Show All) and the hide button looks like an eye with a line through it (Hide All) buttons to quickly turn on/off all Layers.

To show or hide a specific Layer, click the show or hide control for that Layer.


Remember, showing/hiding a Layer only disables the active view of takeoff objects for Takeoff Items assigned to that Layer. Hiding a Layer has no effect on your takeoff or Results the takeoff is still there, just hidden.

Helpful Hint - if you are trying to draw a Dimension Line and it gets broken into segments when you draw over takeoff objects, just hide the Layers where those objects are stored, then draw your Dimension Line - it won't be broken up. You can then circle back and turn those Layers back on.

When you are done creating Layers, you can set the Layer in Takeoff Item Properties or using the Takeoff Item Pane Context Menu and select "Set Layer...".

You can define a set of Custom Layers that are added to every new bid in Masters > Default Layers, see Related Articles for more details.

ALT TEXT Why it is Best Practice to Add Custom Layers Deleting a Custom Layer from a Bid ALT TEXT


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