12.03.03 How You Might Cause Pages to be Deleted when Revision Matching after Saving a Plan Set
Last Updated: 2022-03-22 06:34 |
There are two main ways Pages can be deleted from the Plan Organizer: - You open the Plan Organizer and delete them, we cover that in the previous article (Deliberately Deleting Pages).
- You do something that causes them to be removed (deleted), there are four things you can do that cause a Page or Pages to be removed:
In previous articles (see Related Articles for links), we explained how to match revisions (versions of a particular Plan (drawing)) when you add a Plan Set and after you've already added a Plan Set. When you match plans before saving the Revision Plan Set, you won't run the risk of creating new Pages in error. However, if you add a Plan Set and do not match revisions before saving that Plan Set, or you fail to match one or more Plans when creating the Plan Set, the program creates new Pages for those Plans. Now, this is not the end of the world, but it does mean your Plan Sets are not matched properly and could cause problems with anyone working in the project.
When you go back to correct this mistake, you need to know what is going to happen to those Pages you created in error. When you edit the Revision Set and match Plans, you may cause one or more Pages (and anything on them) to be removed/deleted from the Project (affecting all Bids in the Project).
We do not do this often, but we are starting this article with a Warning...
When you cause a Page (Sheet) to be removed from a Project by revision-matching, you are not just affecting the Bid from which you opened the Plan Organizer, or just your Bids in this Project. Every Bids in a Project shares Plan Sets with other Bids (they don't always have to be 'active', however). When a Page is removed from the Project (deliberately or as side-effect of some action), everything on that Page (such as takeoff, file attachments, and annotations), in every Bid in the Project, is deleted permanently. This may affect Bids you never worked on but were being taken off or estimated by another user.
You are always prompted if your actions are going to remove a Page from a Project. Consider your actions carefully. If you are not absolutely certain that you are the only person using this Project and that there is nothing on this Page in any Bid in this Project, do not confirm the deletion. Contact all users working in this Project and ensure that they (and you, of course) have not drawn any takeoff, annotation, or created any Named Views, Punch Items, or Typical Groups on this Page. If you are unsure if a Page is used, leave it in the Plan Organizer - you can change its discipline to "ZZZ_Unused" so it will show up at the bottom of your Plans.
See Related Articles below for additional ways you can delete Pages or cause Pages to be deleted.
Below is a walk-through of what happens when we create a Plan Set and do not match a revision, then go back and do our revision matching.
Matching Plans in a Previously Saved Plan Set
From our previous articles, we are working with the following project's Plan Organizer:

Notice that last page, Page 6. Its Sheet No. is "A2.22b" and because it was not matched to Page 4 (Sheet No. A2.22) when the "Rev2" Plan Set was added, a new Page (6) was created in the Plan Organizer (as soon as we clicked "Save").
So, we realize our mistake and go back to match A2.22b to A2.22. We do this by editing Plan Set "Rev2", so open the Plan Organizer and click the small button to edit Plan Set "Rev2".
In the Plan Set Editor, in the drop-down for Sheet No. for A2.22b, we select "A2.22".

Click OK in the Plan Set Editor.
You are prompted to confirm the action, of course, because you are causing a Page to be deleted - which affects the entire project not just the bid from which you opened Plan Organizer.
You may be wondering why any pages are deleted just because you are matching revisions. Well, think about what you have just done. You have removed the only Plan that Page 6 used. A Page cannot exist without at least one Plan associated with it so the Page has to be removed from the project (which removes it from every bid in the project). Unlike the previous article where we just deactivated a set for a specific bid, matching plans is a project-level activity so matching plans affects the Page, not just a bid's view of that Page.

Even after confirming this action, you have one last chance to change your mind. The Page(s) is not removed until you click Save in the Plan Organizer window.
In the Plan Organizer, we can see that Page 6 is gone.

If you are sure you want to delete the Page or Pages you are causing to be removed from this project, click Save.
If you proceed:
- Whatever Page(s) that were created when the Plan Set was created initially, but were not revision matched until now, will be removed from the project (which means removed from every bid in the project).
- Any takeoff or annotations you or any other users have drawn on those Pages are deleted
- Any Named Views or Punch Items that exist on those Pages are deleted (including Punch List history and photos)
- All File Attachments on those Pages are deleted
Anything that exists on Pages you cause to be removed, in any bid in the project, is deleted, irretrievably. If you are not absolutely sure that neither you nor any other user has used this Page: - Click Cancel.
- Return to the Projects and Bids List and see if there are any other Bids in this Project (other than yours), if there are, contact whoever created or is working on those Bids to ensure that deleting the Page will not cause problems.
- If there are no other Bids in this Project, open your Bid and navigate to the Page that you are going to cause to be deleted. Make sure there is nothing on it. If there is, move it to another Page.
- Then, and only then, return to the Plan Organizer and proceed with deleting the Plan.
Now that you have Revisions, you probably want to know how you can see them and compare them to each other, we start with navigating revisions on the Takeoff Tab.