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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff

11 11.02.05 Copying and Pasting Area Takeoff Objects with Backouts

When copying and pasting an Area takeoff object that includes backouts, how you select the object dictates whether the backouts are copied/pasted with the original takeoff. Because the Area takeoff object any any backouts are considered individual objects,…

12 11.03 Re-positioning and Moving Takeoff and Annotations

Sometimes, in a rush to complete a rough takeoff, you may not be as detailed as you want, or after you copy and paste takeoff it does not quite match the destination, or maybe the scope of the job changes and you duplicate a project or bid to accommodate…

13 11.04 Resizing and Adjusting Takeoff Objects

You can resize linear and area takeoff objects after drawing or pasting them so they match your Plans precisely. Many times, you may have have to resize objects after you takeoff a rough estimate, or when you copy and paste takeoff from one Page to another.…

14 11.04.01 Resizing Linear Takeoff

Linear objects can be resized using the adjustment controls at either end of a selected object. Example When we are zoomed out, the piece of takeoff in the screenshot below looks like it matches the Plan, note the Results. When we zoom in, we can see that…

15 11.04.02 Splitting a Single Linear Takeoff Object into Multiple Segments

You can separate a Linear segment into multiple segments using the Splitter tool. In the example below, we took off the wall as a single, continuous line, but realized we needed four separate linear segments. We could delete the object and start over, it…

16 11.04.03 Resizing Area Objects (including Area Takeoff, Highlights, Clouds, etc.)

Resizing an Area takeoff object is a little different than resizing a Linear object, because each segment or an Area takeoff object is connected to other segments, so when you adjust one segment it 'pulls' the other two segments. Example We start with the…

17 11.04.04 Adding Vertices (Joints) to an Area Takeoff Object (Splitting a Segment)

In the previous article, we discussed resizing a relatively simple Area takeoff object. If you need to edit a more complex Area takeoff object, you must consider what happens to adjacent/connected segments. Area takeoff objects are made up of individual segments,…

18 11.04.05 Adjusting the Shape of an Area Object

Using what we learned Adding Vertices (Joints) to an Area Takeoff Object a bit further, we can correct for slight inaccuracies in our takeoff. Note If you need to make more than one or two minor adjustments, it's probably faster and easier to delete the Area…

19 11.05.01 Rotating Takeoff Objects (Rotating Around a Common Axis)

We encourage you to re-use things you created already such as employing Takeoff Item Templates and copying-pasting takeoff and other objects, duplicating, etc. Sometimes, however, the Page on which that "something" exists and where you want to paste it are…

20 11.05.02 Spinning Takeoff Objects (Rotating on Each Object's Individual Axis)

In the previous article, we explained how you can rotate one or more objects around a common, central axis. Sometimes, however, you may want to rotate several objects around their own individual axes - we call this "spinning". You know how we are always suggesting…


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