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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff

11 12.05.02 How You Might Cause Pages to be Deleted by Deleting a Unique Plan

There are two main ways Pages can be deleted from the Plan Organizer: You open the Plan Organizer and delete them, we cover that in the previous article (Deliberately Deleting Pages). You do something that causes them to be removed (deleted), there are four…

12 12.05.03 How You Might Cause Pages to be Deleted by Deleting a Plan Set

There are two main ways Pages can be deleted from the Plan Organizer: You open the Plan Organizer and delete them, we cover that in the previous article (Deliberately Deleting Pages). You do something that causes them to be removed (deleted), there are four…

13 12.05.04 How You Might Cause Pages to be Deleted by Deactivating a Plan Set

When you create a bid, you activate one or more Plans Sets - this creates Pages for that bid. Later, if you go back and deactivate a Plan Set, if there are Plans in that Plan Set that are Unique Plans (see below) for any Pages, those Pages will no longer…

14 12.06 What is Overlay?

Overlay lets you compare two plans to see what is different between them. You can compare revisions of the same plan (revisions are covered in the Related Articles) or any two plans in the Plan Organizer. The Overlay function is available on the Takeoff Tab…

15 12.06.01 Using Overlay to Identify Changes Between Revisions (of the Same Plan)

The Overlay function is available on the Takeoff Tab. You can compare any two revisions of a Plan using the revision tabs at the bottom of the Takeoff Window. After turning on Overlay, if you are viewing a Page that has multiple revisions, you tell the program…

16 12.06.02 Construction Coordination Overlays - Identifying "Collisions" Between Trades

In Using Overlay to Identify Changes Between Revisions (of the Same Plan), we show you how to compare revisions of the same Plan to each other. Sometimes, you may need to compare two plans that are not revisions of each other. This can help you identify construction…

17 12.06.03 Adjusting Overlays to Line Up with an Earlier Revision Using the Overlay Toolbar

Sometimes, the two plans you are comparing using Overlay do not match up exactly. Whether their orientation, size, or alignment needs adjusting, use the options on the Overlays Toolbar to aligns and adjust the Plans. Matching Base to Overlay The goal is not…

18 12.06.04 Overlay Tools - Deskewing (Straightening) a Crooked Overlay Plan

If you are working with electronic plans that were scanned to create image files (rather than saved in electronic format by the Architect), the plans may be slightly skewed (not level). This makes it a little more difficult to align and identify differences…

19 12.06.05 Overlay Tools - Rotating an Overlay

If your Overlay Plan is rotated 90°, 180°, or 270° degrees compared to your Base Plan, you can rotate the Overlay Plan to match. After we add the Overlay below, we see that is Rotated 180° from the Base Plan - very simple to fix! Use the tool to rotate…

20 12.06.06 Overlay Tools - Flipping an Overlay Horizontally or Vertically

If your Overlay Plan is flipped horizontally or vertically compared to your Base Plan, you can use the Flip tools to correct this. Flipping a Plan is not the same as a rotating a plan 180° (which rotates the Plan around its center axis). To flip a page,…


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