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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff

1 15.01 Printing - Overview

Although ConstructConnect Takeoff allows you to share bid information (plans, takeoff, and annotations) with other people in your Organization, sometimes, you need to share that information with people who do not have access to your Organization's data or…

2 15.02 Selecting Where to Print (Output)

Printer Tab The first thing you need to decide is where you want to send your printouts. You can print to a physical printer (paper) or you can have the program create a PDF for you, which you can then distribute via whatever electronic means you like. If…

3 15.03 Selecting Which Layers to Print (What Takeoff/Annotation is Printed)

Layers Tab You can show/hide whichever Layers you choose. This makes it easy to print only the takeoff objects required for a particular print out. Print Preview showing all Layers turned on (showing) When we turn off or hide the "Ceilings" layer, the print…

4 15.04 Selecting Which Pages to Print

Pages Tab By default, when you open the Print Preview window, the selection is set to the Current View (next article). You can also choose to print the entire Page, an entire Set, or a custom selection of Pages. We cover each of these options in the articles…

5 15.04.01 Printing the Current View

By Default, ConstructConnect Takeoff sets the Print Preview to your Current View. The "Current View" is whatever currently is being displayed in the active Takeoff window. If you have multiple Takeoff Windows open, active means the Takeoff window that is…

6 15.04.02 Printing the Current Page

The "Current Page" is the Page that is active in the Takeoff window from which you opened Print Preview, including all takeoff and annotation (unless you've hidden some or all of it using the Layers tab - see Related Articles). To print the Current Page,…

7 15.04.03 Printing Plan Sets and Multiple Pages

You can print more than one Page at a time, in fact, you can print an entire Set very easily. With the Print Preview window open, click on the Pages tab. Click on the drop down and select "Current Set" (as a Reminder, the "Current Set" is the newest revision…

8 15.04.04 Printing Only Pages with Takeoff

Printing only Pages with Takeoff If you want to print only those Pages on which you've drawn takeoff, Open the Print Preview from any Page in the Bid. Click on the Pages tab Click the button under the drop-down named "Select Pages with Takeoff" Notice, the…

9 15.05 Printing Plans and Takeoff to PDF

ConstructConnect Takeoff includes functionality to Save to PDF format, however there are a number of third party PDF creators available that allow for 'printing' to PDF. We cover both options below. Saving to PDF (Built-in) To save your print out to PDF,…


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