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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff


12.04.01 Rotating Pages, Plans, and Takeoff on the Takeoff Tab

Last Updated: 2022-03-21 14:07

Rotating a Page versus Rotating just the Plan

When you add a Plan Set, you are given the opportunity to rotate the plan in 90 degree increments in the Plan Set Editor. Once the Plan Set is saved, you are only allowed to rotate in 180 degree increments to preserve the orientation of the page.

When you rotate a Page from the Takeoff Tab, there are a few rules you need to be aware of.

  • When you rotate a Page, you are rotating all Revisions of the Plan, not just the Revision currently being displayed.
  • On the Takeoff Tab, when you use the controls described in this article, you're rotating the Page - the Container that stores the plans, the takeoff, the annotation, everything.
    • You have the option to rotate the Page (the Plan and everything on it, named "Plan and takeoff" in the menu) 90 degree increments. To maintain orientation with the Plan, takeoff and most annotations are included when you rotate the Page. This ensures they 'stay on the page' (because you are changing orientation when you rotate 90 degrees).
    • You can also flip the Page (Plan and Takeoff) horizontally or vertically, again, the orientation of the Plan and the Takeoff continue to match).
    • You have the option to rotate the Plan (alone) in 180 degree increments because the orientation stays the same (same principle for flipping a Plan vertically or horizontally - its orientation (to the Page/takeoff on that Page) stays the same).
    • You can use the Takeoff rotation tools (both the ones toward the top of each Takeoff Window, and in the context menu explained here) to adjust one or more selected takeoff objects, independent of the Plan or Page.

On the Revision and Set Navigation toolbar (see Related Articles),

Click the Rotate Plans and Takeoff button (the first button on the left at the bottom of the Takeoff Window) to open a context menu where you can select to rotate or flip this Page.

Page Rotation control menu

Rotating and Flipping takeoff by itself is covered in Related Articles.

Option What it Does
Rotate Plan and Takeoff Left/Right 90° Rotates the Page (Plan, Takeoff, and most Annotations) 90°.
Rotate Plan 180° Rotates the Plan° only in 180 increments. You can also use the rotate the underlying plan 180 degrees button in the Rotate Takeoff and Plan Toolbar toward the top of the Takeoff Window.)
Flip Plan and Takeoff Horizontally Flips the plan, all takeoff, and most annotation side-to-side.
Flip Plan and Takeoff Vertically Flips the plan, all takeoff, and most annotation top-to-bottom.
Flip Plan Horizontally Flips the plan side-to-side but leaves all takeoff and annotation in the same position.
Flip Plan Vertically Flips the plan top-to-bottom but leaves all takeoff and annotation in the same position.

Notice, there are several options on that menu that are disabled. We cover rotating takeoff in Related Articles, we focus on rotating the Plan here.


When rotating a Page, Annotation such as Textbox and Stamps remain in their original orientation (so they can be read without turning your head 90 degrees).

Rotating/Flipping a Page does not rotate any other Pages in the Plan Set but rotates every Revision of this Page. Each Page must be rotated separately.

If you realize that the Plan only must be rotated 90 degrees, you can return to the Plan Organizer and do so. This may cause takeoff or Annotations on the Page to fall "outside" the Page boundaries, making it impossible to see those objects. You can delete them, but only by using Ctrl+A and deleting everything on that Page. This is why the program prevents you from rotating the Plan independent of takeoff/annotations once it's been saved on the Takeoff Tab.

click here to view the previous article Navigating Plan Sets (Revisions) on the Takeoff Tab Deleting Pages click here to view the next article


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