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Getting Started with ConstructConnect Takeoff

1 04.01 What is the Plan Organizer and How Do I Use It?

In the previous chapter, we briefly introduced you to the Plan Organizer so you could add an initial set of plans (a Plan Set) to your new project. In this chapter, we dive into detail about the Plan Organizer, the Plan Set Editor, and using these tools to…

2 04.02 What is the Current Set?

The Current Set is composed of the most recent, active version of every plan in your project. To help you understand the concept, look at the Plan Organizer for a very small project. Our project includes three Plan Sets - and each affects the Current Set…

3 04.03 How Plans Are Shared By Bids in a Project

Share and Share Alike The Plan Organizer is a Project-level inventory of all the Plans and Plans Sets that are available for use in a Project. Plan Sets are then shared amongst all the Bids within the Project (this way, you don't have to upload the same set…

4 04.04 Plan Organizer Toolbar and Context Menu

The Plan Organizer toolbar provides access to Plan Set and Page management. Note Plan Organizer toolbars and context menus become active after you click the button in the bottom right corner. Button - ControlDescription Keyboard Shortcut What it does/How…

5 04.05 A Detailed Look at The Plan Organizer Grid

The Plan Organizer Grid shows a row for each Page in your project, grouped by Discipline. The Plan Organizer shows you all the Plan Sets in this project and how they build the "Current Set" for the bid you are accessing. Notice how these rows (each representing…

6 04.05.01 Seeing Active Users in the Plan Organizer

ConstructConnect Takeoff has many functions that encourage and support multi-user collaboration, including the ability to see when others from your organization are working in the same project. How Active Users Are Identified The top right corner of the Plan…

7 04.06 What is The Plan Set Editor? A Detailed Look

The Plan Set Editor is where you add, modify, and delete Plans from a Plan Set and where you match Revisions of existing Pages. Remember, a Plan Set is a collection of construction Plans (aka. drawings, sheets, images, blueprints - whatever you call them).…

8 04.07 Plan Set Editor Toolbar and Context Menu and the Plan Adjustment Panel Shortcuts

Plan Set Editor Toolbar Button/Control Shortcut Key (if any) DescriptionWhat it does/How it is used... Add New Set Opens the Browser for Folder dialog box. <Ctrl> + <+> (Plus sign) Expand All When you add multiple Disciplines (when your image…

9 04.08 Plan Set Editor Grid - Controls and Columns Explained

The Plan Set Editor Grid The Plan Set Editor grid shows a row for each Plan in the current Plan Set, grouped by Discipline. Each Plan's Discipline defaults to the name of the folder in which the image file was stored when it was added to the Plan Set. The…

10 04.09 Why It is Best Practice to Update Page Names and Numbers

Why Update Page Names? Accurate Page Names make Page navigation much easier. By default, the program uses the name of the image file for the Page Name, sometimes, this is close to the actual title of the plan, but not very often. More often than not, you…

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